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Misconceptions Of Misting: Unveiling the Truth - Ed's Plant Shop

Misconceptions Of Misting: Unveiling the Truth

We’re often told to mist our plants that enjoy higher humidity to aid them in their growth. Unfortunately, the water you spray them with evaporates incredibly quickly and does more to contribute to burned leaf edges than growth. Here we’ve put together some of our favorite tips and tricks to keep your humidity up that are less work and far more effective! 
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Are Your Houseplants Ready for Fall? - Ed's Plant Shop

Are Your Houseplants Ready for Fall?

Tips to help you make sure you and your plants survive the transition into the colder months!
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Proper Houseplant Watering Techniques - Ed's Plant Shop

Proper Houseplant Watering Techniques

A quick & easy guide to learning how to read the signs a plant needs to be watered or left to dry out.
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How To Properly Prune Your Houseplants - Ed's Plant Shop

How To Properly Prune Your Houseplants

There comes a time in every new plant-parents' growth when they must ask themselves ‘should I prune this plant?’ This article outlines what & how to prune while giving you the confidence to make those cuts!
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How To Properly Repot Your Houseplants - Ed's Plant Shop

How To Properly Repot Your Houseplants

How to successfully repot your plant after receiving it in the mail or bringing it home from the shop.
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