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Hoya wayetti - Waytti Hoya


The Hoya Wayeti is popular houseplant known for it's attractive fleshy, lanced-shaped green leaves with dark green edges. When cared for properly this plant blooms parachute clusters of star-shaped, red to purple flowers with a dark 5-point center. This plant appreciates bright, indirect light and needs humidity to thrive. Hoya Wa yeti looks exceptionally good in a hanging basket arrangement or flowing over the side of a decorative planter.

Hoya is a genus of 200–300 species of tropical plants in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. The Hoya genus was named by botanist Robert Brown, in honour of his friend, botanist Thomas Hoy. There are over 300 known Hoya species with different foliage shapes, but the Hoya Carnosa is the most common and widely spread.

Ed's Plant Profile

  • Botanical Name: Hoya Wayetti
  • Common Name: Hoya Wayetti, Wax Plant
  • Family: Apocynaceae 
  • Native Range: Eastern Asia and Australia

Ed's Care Guide

  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Light: Bright, indirect light
  • Water: Allow to dry out between watering. Avoid over-watering. Hoyas have a very shallow root system -- when watering, water slowly and evenly and ensure proper drainage.
  • Humidity: 50-80%
  • Temperature60–85F
  • PruningPrune as needed to remove brown or dead leaves and control growth.
  • FeedingUse a general-purpose liquid houseplant fertilizer at half strength once every month during the spring and summer only. 
  • Propagation: Cuttings, Division
  • Pests: Look out for aphids, spider mites, mealybugs and other scale insects. Rinse foliage occasionally under low pressure water to keep clean and dislodge any pests.
  • Toxicity: Hoya are widely known to be non-toxic to humans and animals yet if ingested may cause reactions in certain individuals. More research is needed in this area. As with all plants, we recommend you exercise caution around children and pets and keep plants out of reach.

Hoya wayetti, with its attractive foliage and delicate, fragrant flowers, is a charming addition to any plant collection, suitable for growers of all skill levels. Thriving in bright, indirect light and requiring minimal watering, it's an excellent choice for beginners seeking a low-maintenance houseplant. With its cascading growth habit and occasional blooms, Hoya wayetti brings beauty and elegance to any indoor space, making it a versatile and rewarding plant for enthusiasts of all experience levels.

Shop for other Hoya here!