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How To Help Your Plant Pals Rebound After Shipping - Ed's Plant Shop

How To Help Your Plant Pals Rebound After Shipping

Plants, much like your favorite delivery driver, can sometimes get a case of the shipping jitters. Think about it – they've just embarked on a cross-country adventure, sans the in-flight snacks and window views!
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Say "Hola" To Ollas - Your Houseplants New Best Friend! - Ed's Plant Shop

Say "Hola" To Ollas - Your Houseplants New Best Friend!

In the ever-evolving world of gardening and plant care, there's a timeless hero that's been quietly doing its job for centuries – the Olla. Now, you might be wondering, "What on Earth is an Olla?" Well, let me introduce you to this ingenious clay pot that's like a gardener's best-kept secret.
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