Houseplant Fertilizer 101: Boost Growth with These Essential Tips

By Edward Casano  •   3 minute read

A Fertilizing Fiesta In Four Easy Steps - Ed's Plant Shop

Happy Houseplants Are One Step Away!

Did you know that fertilizing your houseplants is incredibly important for healthy growth? Plants, much like people, require special nutrients to grow big and strong. Soil contains the nutrients, but eventually the soil will run out, leaving your plant hungry. To prevent your plants from hunger pains, we'd like to share step by step guidance on how you can fertilize your plant babies and avoid any plant temper tantrums.

What Houseplant Fertilizer Do You Need? 

Fertilizers are chemical or organic substances used by gardeners to replenish nutrients in the soil. These include essential nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium which are necessary for plant survival. If your plants have discoloration, small leaves, weak stems, fewer flowers, you may have a nutrient-deficiency. You can correct these issues by adding certain fertilizers to your plant. 

Types Of Houseplant Fertilizers:

All fertilizers work differently in the soil. To know which one will work best for you will depend on your soil type. Fertilizing your houseplant will come down to choosing the correct fertilizer.

Liquid fertilizer: Liquid fertilizers are one of the most common and easy to use. This fertilizer is diluted in the water so it can be applied by using a watering can. All liquid fertilizer has different concentration levels, so it is very important to read the label to assure you don't burn your plant with too-high of a concentration. Liquid fertilizer will give an instant dose of nutrients, but will eventually leech out of the soil. 

Liquid Fertilizer

Slow Release Fertilizer: This is the favorite type of fertilizer by gardeners as it slowly provides nutrients to the soil every time you water. As the name, this fertilizer release slowly amounts of nutrients over time. This is great for busy gardeners that want to set-it-and-forget-it.

Granular Fertilizer: This is a dry and pure fertilizer that can be mixed in soil by hand. This fertilizer is mostly used for outdoor planting, as it can be slightly mess. Granular fertilizer will release its nutrients whenever it comes into contact with water, making it great to use at the time of planting to give your plants a quick kick. 

Granular Fertilizer For Houseplants

Why You Should Fertilize Houseplants:

-Every time you water, nutrients travel through the soil with the water which can eventually deplete your soil. 

-Leaves will remain lustrous and full when given a steady dose of the right fertilizer

-Roots need special attention and nutrients too. Without a healthy root system, your foliage will struggle to get they hydration and nutrients they need.

-A plant struggling with nutrient deficiency will be more prone to disease and pests. Keeping them healthy and well-fed will help them fight undesirable conditions. 

How To Fertilize Your Houseplants:

Step 1: Remove dead or dying leaves and clean any that have fallen to the soil. Consider using one of our awesome trimming tools! 

Step 2: Apply liquid fertilizer to slightly damp soil and slow-release fertilizer to damp soil. We have some great watering cans!

Metal Watering Can

Step 3: Pay very careful attention to the ratio stated on your fertilizer container. Over fertilizing can cause more harm than good and potentially kill your plant.

Step 4: Pay careful attention to the season, some plants go dormant in the winter and don't need a much nitrogen.

Your plant pals may be hungry, but you can help! If you have any additional questions or need fertilizer recommendation, don't hesitate to reach out to us!

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