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Stress-Induced Plant Pops: Nature's Astonishing Reaction - Ed's Plant Shop

Stress-Induced Plant Pops: Nature's Astonishing Reaction

Plants, including houseplants, have always been great listeners, but did you know they can also talk back? Not in the traditional sense of course, but a recent study has unearthed an intriguing discovery – stressed plants make popping noises! At Ed's Plant Shop, we were fascinated with this concept of botanical communication! We wanted to explore how our plants in our very own Plant Shop in Brooklyn might just be whispering their secrets through unexpected pops and cracks. Let's leaf through this intriguing phenomenon and learn a little more about what our plant pals are trying to tell us. 
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The Complete Guide to Pothos Care - Ed's Plant Shop

The Complete Guide to Pothos Care

There are so many shapes, sizes, textures, and price levels with houseplants, its hard to know where to start! Do you dive in and get something challenging and exotic, or do you go with something sort of plain but easy to grow? Thanks to the Pothos plant, you won't have to sacrifice beauty or price, it has it all!
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