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Philodendron pteromischum - Lacy Tree Philodendron


Introducing the Lacy Tree Philodendron, renowned for its intricate, lace-like foliage and graceful presence. Thriving in moderate to bright indirect light, this Philodendron variety adds elegance to any indoor space. With its cascading vines and delicate leaves, it's a stunning addition to your botanical haven.

Ed's Plant Profile
Botanical Name:  Philodendron pteromischum
Common Name: Fern-leaf Philodendron, Lacy Philodendron
Family: Araceae
Native Range: French Guiana

Ed's Care Guide
Care Level: Easy
Light: Indirect bright light - avoid full sun
Water: Keep water consistently damp, but never soaking wet
Humidity: 60-75%
Temperature: 70-85F
Pruning: Prune as needed to remove brown or dead leaves
Feeding: 1/2 strength fertilizer weekly during spring and summer
Growth: Shrub-like
Propagation: Division
Pests: Look out for mealy bugs
Toxicity: Toxic to humans and pets