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Plants For the Office


Epipremnum Aureum 'Pearls and Jade' Pothos - Ed's Plant Shop
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Epipremnum Aureum 'Marble Queen' Pothos - Ed's Plant Shop

Epipremnum Aureum 'Neon' Pothos - Ed's Plant Shop
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Dracaena Masoniana 'Whale Fin Snake Plant' - Ed's Plant Shop

Soil Moisture Meter - Ed's Plant Shop

Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven ZZ' - Ed's Plant Shop

Crassula argentina - Jade Plant - Ed's Plant Shop

Monstera Siltepecana: Exotic Leafy Elegance - Ed's Plant Shop

Philodendron 'Birkin' - Tropical Plant with Variegated Foliage - Ed's Plant Shop

Baby Cacti/Succulents - Ed's Plant Shop

Hoya Carnosa 'Krimson Queen' Wax Plant - Ed's Plant Shop
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Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Cebu Blue' - Ed's Plant Shop

Beaucarnea recurvata 'Ponytail Palm' - Ed's Plant Shop
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Aglaonema Commutatum 'Maria' 'Emerald Beauty' - Ed's Plant Shop

Zamioculcas zamiifolia - ZZ Plant - Ed's Plant Shop

Sansevieria zeylanica 'Bowstring Hemp' - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema 'Siam Aurora Red' Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema Commutatum 'Silver Bay' Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop

Sansevieria zeylanica 'Bowstring Hemp' - Large Snake Plant - Ed's Plant Shop

Ficus Tineke 'India Rubber Plant' - Ed's Plant Shop

Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Cebu Blue' Hanging Basket - Ed's Plant Shop

Chamaedorea Seifrizii ‘Cat Palm’ - Ed's Plant Shop

Hoya cumingiana - Small Leaf Hoya Wax Vine - Ed's Plant Shop

Philodendron Brasil - Ed's Plant Shop

Marble Queen Pothos Hanging Basket - Epipremnum Aureum 'Marble Queen' - Ed's Plant Shop

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Soltech Solutions- Grove LED Grow Light - Ed's Plant Shop

Epipremnum Aureum 'Golden Pothos' - Ed's Plant Shop
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Aglaonema 'Sparkling Sarah' Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop

Hoya caudata ‘Sumatra’ Wax Flower - Ed's Plant Shop

Epipremnum Aureum 'Neon' Pothos - Hanging Basket - Ed's Plant Shop
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Philodendron Brasil Hanging Basket - Ed's Plant Shop

Coffea Arabica - ‘Coffee Plant’ - Ed's Plant Shop
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Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema 'Spring Snow' Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop

Neanthe - Bella Palm - Floor Plant - Ed's Plant Shop

88 results

The last thing you need to be worried about in the middle of a busy work day is if anyone remembered to water the plants! These plants will help you create a warm, earthy environment in your workspace without taking too much of your valuable time. Some of them have the benefit of being able to survive in pure fluorescent lighting and all of them will be sure to add a little peace to your productivity! And if you’re so busy that even picking the plants is out of the question, we can help you with that too- just ask us about our plant curation and styling services for your home or business!