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Aglaonema 'Siam Aurora Red' Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema Commutatum 'Maria' 'Emerald Beauty' - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema Commutatum 'Silver Bay' Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema 'Sparkling Sarah' Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema Species ID Chart - Botanical Houseplant Art Print - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema 'Spring Snow' Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop

Aglaonema 'Silverado' - Ed's Plant Shop
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Aglaonema - Pink Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop
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Aglaonema Suksom Jaipong Hybrid Chinese Evergreen - Ed's Plant Shop
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Aglaonema ‘Cutlass’ - Ed's Plant Shop
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Aglaonema 'Siam Aurora Red' Chinese Evergreen - 8" Nursery Pot - Ed's Plant Shop

Chocolate Aglaonema Plant Acrylic Keychain - Ed's Plant Shop

We here at Ed’s find Aglaonema to be some of the most underappreciated plants in the shop. Other than the typical Snake or ZZ Plant, these extremely easy to care for plants are some of the ones we recommend most to beginners or those who might need a more independent species. These will bounce back quickly and easily if you miss a watering, and they make it super easy to know when it’s time for a drink by wilting when they’re thirsty and then perking right back up upon being watered. If they lose a leaf or two don’t fret as it’s probably already pushing a new one up through its center, even if you keep it in a shadier spot in your home. Coming in a variety of colors and patterns, they’re easy to match to your decor and can add a lush element to any NYC apartment, even those that might not be the brightest.