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Cacti & Succulents


Rhipsalis burchellii - Mistletoe Cactus - Ed's Plant Shop
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Dracaena Masoniana 'Whale Fin Snake Plant' - Ed's Plant Shop

Crassula argentina - Jade Plant - Ed's Plant Shop

Baby Cacti/Succulents - Ed's Plant Shop

Sansevieria zeylanica 'Bowstring Hemp' - Large Snake Plant - Ed's Plant Shop

Senecio Rowleyanus 'String of Pearls' Hanging Basket - Ed's Plant Shop

Sedum Morganianum - Burro’s Tail Cactus - Ed's Plant Shop
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Senecio Rowleyanus 'String of Pearls' - Ed's Plant Shop

Haworthia 'African Pearls' - Ed's Plant Shop

Portulacaria Afra Elephant Bush - Ed's Plant Shop

Sedum Morganianum 'Burro’s Tail Cactus' - Ed's Plant Shop
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Assorted Cacti & Succulents - Ed's Plant Shop

Titanopsis calcarea - Concrete Leaf Plant - Ed's Plant Shop
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Gymnocalycium friedrichii - Chin Cactus - Ed's Plant Shop

Euphorbia tirucalli - Firestick Cactus - Ed's Plant Shop
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Cryptanthus Bivittatus 'Mochachino' - Mochachino Earth Star - Ed's Plant Shop
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Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Panda’ - Panda Plant - Ed's Plant Shop
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Hoya cumingiana - Small Leaf Hoya - Ed's Plant Shop
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Hoya crassipetiolata - Thick-Leaved Hoya - Ed's Plant Shop
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Hoya linearis - Wax Vine - Ed's Plant Shop
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Echinocactus Grusonii ‘Golden Barrel Cactus’ - Ed's Plant Shop
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Hatiora salicornioides - Dancing Bones Cactus - Ed's Plant Shop
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Disocactus flagelliformis - Rattail Cactus - Ed's Plant Shop
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Spiky Tail Cactus - Ed's Plant Shop
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Euphorbia Trigonia ‘Rubra’ - Ed's Plant Shop
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Cephalocereus senilis - Old Man Cacti - Ed's Plant Shop
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Rhipsalis burchellii - Mistletoe Cactus Hanging Basket - Ed's Plant Shop
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Do you want a touch of the desert to help you feel warm in the New York winters? Do you travel a lot but still want green in your space to come home to? Then we need to get you loaded up on some cactus and succulent varieties! Cacti, known for their sharp spikes and Succulents, known for their plump leaves and incredible diversity are by far the easiest plants to care for. They love a sunny windowsill but can survive on a desk and hardly ever need to be watered, especially in the winter when they pretty much go dormant. They come in all shapes, sizes and even colors to fit every aesthetic and you will never run out of new species to find on your plant hunting journey.