This is my second review for Ed’s Plant Shop and I’m not a person to take the time to write reviews. I cannot highly recommend buying from this amazing vendor enough! My first order from them had two types of begonia, so I was over the moon to discover that my “rescue” plant in this order was another variation of a gorgeous begonia!! I’m not even sure where “rescue” comes in on their website, because the plant I got was more lush and healthier than pricey “luxe” plants I’ve ordered from past shops! My “mystery” plant is also a full, beautiful stunner with lots of babies. Don’t even get me started on my new Triostar. This one was a replacement for a very sickly one that was ordered for me as a birthday gift this past year. The one that passed was — you guessed it! — an overpriced and very struggling plant that didn’t have a chance. Ed’s Plant Shop sent me a Triostar that is four times the size of the previous plant from past vendor and it’s thriving.
If you have hesitation about the rescue or mystery plant or just like gambling to win and making a random day seem like Christmas, do what I’m going to do next week and buy some rescue and mystery plants from this shop. Buy ANY plant, you won’t be disappointed!