The Ultimate Guide to Maranta Plant Care: Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Prayer Plant Thriving

By Jack Dahlia  •   3 minute read

The Ultimate Guide to Maranta Plant Care: Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Prayer Plant Thriving - Ed's Plant Shop

Unique leaves, unfurling foliage, there are so many features to captivate you towards the Maranta. Do you have the right conditions, though? Chances are you do!

Most commonly known as the prayer plant, is one of the more striking houseplants you can find. The "Prayer Plant" earned its name because of its unique quality of folding its leaves each night like praying hands that symbolizes a daily prayer of gratitude. These are fairly common houseplants grow happily throughout the year.  

Prayer plant care tips for a healthy plant:

Prayer plants are a perfect choice for adding natural warmth to your livelihood though these require a lot of care and thrive best when provided with conditions similar to a greenhouse. Here are a few prayer plant care tips that you should be aware of to grow these plants at home. Providing these plants with what they need isn't much of a task.


Prayer Plant Care Guide

Sunlight and Temperature

You need to avoid putting the prayer plant in direct sunlight as it could scorch the leaves, which might even kill the plant. Maranta plant is tolerant to lower light areas and generally prefers bright yet indirect sunlight with good airflow. These plants enjoy the normal household temperatures and might get damaged in prolonged lower temperatures which could even lead to the leaves dropping off.


For growing prayer plants, you need to realize that these do not like being dry and thrive best in a very humid environment. The most common reason for prayer plant dropping of leaves is consistent underwatering. So try keeping the soil moist at all times. However, do not overdo watering as it could make the roots soggy. Also, when watering, remember to use water that is at least at room temperature, if not slightly warm. 

During the winters, reduce prayer-plants watering as the plant goes dormant in the chilly cold season and requires less water to grow well. 

Prayer Plant Care Guide


People often ask the kind of soil to use when talking about prayer plant care. Well, the reality is that these plants could lead a prosperous life in a variety of soils till the time they have sufficient drainage facilities. Generally, a traditional potting mix works fine for this plant. Still, you can prepare your potting soil by mixing one part of perlite or coarse sand, one part garden soil, two parts of peat moss, and a pinch of lime dust altogether. Adding lime dust will help provide the mixture with the acidic pH value needed by the soil. 


You need to fertilize your prayer plant every two weeks during the spring and once a month during winters as the plant goes dormant in the chilly cold season. Be extra cautious while using fertilizer for your prayer plant, as using too much fertilizer could burn the plant's root, grow the plant. 

Prayer Plant Care Guide


Now that you know the necessary prayer plant care tips, you can go through our website and select the kind of Maranta plant you like to add natural warmth to your space. Please feel free to go through our site or reach out to us via Instagram or email at any step of the planting process. 

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