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Vacation-Ready Plants: Our Prepping Guide - Ed's Plant Shop

Vacation-Ready Plants: Our Prepping Guide

Everyone needs vacation mode periodically for relaxation. Want to leave your responsibility at home and go on vacation mode? But worried about how you water your beautiful baby plants? You have been taking your houseplants from root to watering for a longer period and you do not want to lose them. Some plants need more water on a regular basis and some plants need less water and they can survive without water too.

Take a deep breath and relax. We have a different type of method that will help you to save your plant from suffering while you are not around.

  1. Glass bottle watering method: Do not throw away empty glass bottles. The best use of empty glass bottles is yet to come. These bottles are very useful for watering while you are away from home.

- You need one empty glass bottle with narrow neck and a bottle cap. Now, make a few mini holes in the cap.

Water Bottle Method

- Fill the glass bottle with water and put the cap back on the bottle lid.

- The final step is to place the bottle into the soil. Make a big hole in the plant where you are watering. Now place the bottle cap side first into the dig hole. You can refill the bottle once you come back from your long vacation.

  1. House Plant Bath: Do you know that as you bathe your pet you can bathe plant too? Yes, it is correct. You can give a bath to your houseplant while you are on vacation for a week. Just to make sure you can provide a bath for those plants who need more water.
Bathtub Method

The first step is to fill up some amount of water into the bathtub or sink where you are going to place your houseplant.

Now put a towel over the water so that your plant does not scrap in the tub or sink. You can place the plant on the towel but keep in mind that the plants must have good drainage for watering the roots.

  1. Water Wicking Drip method: This traditional watering method is one of the most popular and convenient technics for the watering plant while you are away. For this, you need one long cotton rope that you can buy from any hardware store.

Cut the rope that should be long enough so it can connect well between the container's bottom and the plant’s soil.

Without disturbing your plant roots place one side rope below the soil surface and shut the plant. Place the other side rope in the bottom of the water container then fill the container with water. Make sure the rope touches the bottom of the container.

String Method
  1. Plant Saucer Setup: This is the simplest method but useful for those plant who does not need much care and attention. For this method, you need one saucer and pot.

Select the right size of saucer slightly bigger than the pot that has the capacity to hold water and touch the bottom of the pot where the roots are.

Now fill the saucer with water, and place the pot in the watered saucer while are going for a vacation.

  1. Mini greenhouse setup: This is the simplest yet most effective method of watering when you are planning for a long vacation like 4-5 months. With the right method of the mini greenhouse, you can avoid ruining your houseplant.

For the base of the greenhouse method, place four wooden stakes in each corner of the pot. So that you can place big plastic bag for the greenhouse technique.

Greenhouse Method

Now, water your plant as usual where direct sunlight does not come to your plant. Because direct sunlight will destroy your plant.

Take a big plastic bag that can cover your plant well where your leaves do not touch the plastic bag.  Your mini greenhouse is ready and it will capture the water and it will give water to your plant.

  1. Plastic Water Bottle Planter: Plant can also drink water like humans. It is a great method to reuse plastic bottles this trick is not long last but easy and useful.

Make holes sides of the water bottle and 3-4 holes at the bottle of the water bottle.

Before placing the water bottle into the soil, give water to your plant. Place the water bottle into the soil with the cap. Now fill the water into the bottle and cap the bottle so that the water drains into the soil directly.

This method is also useful when you do not wish to water your plant daily.

Try the above methods and without any stress enjoy your holiday time with your family and loved ones.

Self Watering Spike

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