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Say "Hola" To Ollas - Your Houseplants New Best Friend! - Ed's Plant Shop

Say "Hola" To Ollas - Your Houseplants New Best Friend!

At Ed's Plant Shop, we're absolutely "rootin'" for Ollas! Picture this: you bury this unassuming clay pot in your garden soil, and voila! It's like having a personal plant butler. Ollas slowly release water to your thirsty plants, and they do it so efficiently that even your pickiest fern would give them a standing ovation.

Variety of Olla Colors

So, what is an Olla? 

So, you've never heard of the magical Olla? It's not a spell from Hogwarts; it's a clever clay pot that's been saving gardens since forever (well, not quite forever, but almost!). These nifty vessels are made from good ol' clay, like a wizard's ancient spellbook. But instead of incantations, they work their mojo by slowly releasing water to your thirsty plants. In fact, they've been around for thousands of years, invented by ancient garden gurus who knew a thing or two about keeping greens happy. So, if you want your garden to be the talk of the town, get yourself an Olla – the OG of plant hydration!

What plants enjoy Ollas? 

If you've got a leafy crew of houseplants that are as picky about their watering as a cat is about its napping spot, then Ollas are your plant squad's new BFFs. Those finicky ferns, the dramatic dracaenas, and the ever-so-needy snake plants? They're the VIPs of the Olla party! These clay wonders are like plant babysitters, making sure your indoor jungle gets just the right amount of H2O without drowning your green friends. Some houseplants that totally dig Ollas are
  • Ficus - Especially Fiddle Leaf Figs
  • Pothos
  • Larger Aroids

Wait. . . now that we think about it, just about all houseplants love a good Olla.

Olla In Houseplant

How do I use an Olla? 

Using an Olla is as easy as a stroll in the garden on a sunny day – and way more rewarding! First, pick a prime spot in your plant kingdom for your Olla to call home. Dig a hole big enough to bury it, like you're giving it a secret plant treasure chest to guard. Then, fill your Olla to the brim with water and plug it with the cork. It's like giving your Olla a sip of its favorite plant cocktail! Now, stick it in the hole, cork-side up, with just a hint of the top peeking out like a shy flower bud. As the soil gets thirsty, your Olla will release water like a slow-drip magic wand, keeping your plants happy and hydrated. Just remember to refill it when it's dry – your plants will be cheering for more!

Terra Cotta Olla

So, whether you're a seasoned plant parent or just dipping your toes into the verdant world of gardening, Ollas are the "water wizard" your plants deserve. Say goodbye to underwatering and hello to thriving greenery – these clay wonders are the "real soil mates" of your garden! 🌿💧

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12 Best Flower Seeds To Plant During Spring - Ed's Plant Shop

12 Best Flower Seeds To Plant During Spring

Spring is a season of rejuvenation and growth, making it the perfect time to start your gardening journey. One of the most exciting aspects of spring gardening is planting flower seeds that will bloom into vibrant and beautiful blossoms. Choosing the right seeds for your garden can be a delightful yet challenging task. To help you make the most of the upcoming season, we have compiled a list of the 12 best flower seeds to plant in spring. These seeds promise to add a burst of color and fragrance to your garden, creating a picturesque landscape that will be the envy of your neighborhood.
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How To Care For Your Aglaonema House Plant - Ed's Plant Shop

How To Care For Your Aglaonema House Plant

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