How To Care For Your Money Tree: A Beginner's Guide

By Nikki Weed  •   5 minute read

How To Care For Your Money Tree: A Beginner's Guide - Ed's Plant Shop

The Money Tree (Pachira aquatica) stands out for its unique beauty and the lore surrounding its feng shui benefits. Believed to bring good luck and prosperity to its owners, the money tree is a popular choice for both home and office environments. At Ed's Plant Shop, we understand the appeal of adding a touch of greenery to your space, and we are here to guide you through the basics of money tree care, ensuring your green friend flourishes under your care.

Understanding Your Money Tree

Before knowing the care specifics, let us get to know the Money Tree better. Originating from the humid and tropical regions of Central and South America, the Money Tree flourishes under conditions that mimic its native environment, affecting how it should be cared for. Its distinctive braided trunk, a hallmark of this plant, is not naturally occurring but is instead an artistic creation by gardeners who intricately weave its young stems together. As the plant grows, the braid becomes a striking feature, complemented by lush, green leaves that resemble an open hand.

The Ideal Environment for Your Money Tree

Light: Money Trees prefer bright, indirect sunlight. They can tolerate lower light levels, but their growth may slow. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, so finding a spot near a window with a sheer curtain is ideal. Rotating your plant monthly will ensure even growth.

Watering: The key to successful money tree care lies in its watering routine. Water your plant when the top 50-75% of the soil is dry, usually every 1-2 weeks depending on the humidity and light in your home. Be thorough, allowing water to drain out the bottom, but never let the plant sit in water, as this can lead to root rot.

Humidity: Money Trees do well in average home humidity levels but will thrive with a bit more moisture in the air. Consider placing your plant in a bathroom with a window, using a humidifier, or setting it on a pebble tray filled with water to increase humidity.

Temperature: Keep your Money Tree in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Avoid placing it near drafty windows or vents where it might experience sudden temperature changes.

Feeding and Maintenance

Fertilizing: Feed your Money Tree with a half-strength general-purpose fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer. This will support its growth phase by providing essential nutrients. Always water your plant before fertilizing to prevent root burn.

Pruning: Pruning is not only about maintaining the shape and size of your Money Tree but also about encouraging new growth. Use clean, sharp scissors to remove any yellow or dead leaves, and trim back unruly branches to keep your plant looking tidy.

Repotting: As your Money Tree grows, it may become root-bound. When you notice roots growing through the drainage holes, it is time to repot. Choose a pot that is 2-3 inches larger in diameter than the current one to give your plant plenty of room to grow. This is also a great time to refresh the soil, which can become compacted and nutrient-depleted over time.

Common Issues and Solutions

Money Trees are relatively hardy, but they can encounter a few common issues:

  • Yellow Leaves: Often a sign of overwatering. Ensure you are allowing the soil to partially dry out between waterings.
  • Dropping Leaves: This can be a reaction to stress, such as sudden temperature changes or a drastic change in lighting. Evaluate your plant's environment for any recent changes.
  • Pests: Vigilantly watch for usual culprits such as spider mites and mealybugs that might besiege your plant. Conduct frequent examinations of your green companion and address any pest invasions using insecticidal soap or neem oil treatments.

Plant Friends and Family

Complement your Money Tree with other tropical beauties that have similar care requirements. The Epipremnum aureum 'Golden Pothos' and Monstera adansonii 'Swiss Cheese' are excellent companions, offering varied textures and forms to enhance your indoor jungle.

Advanced Care Techniques

The Money Tree's distinctive braided trunk is not just for aesthetics; it can also contribute to the plant's health by creating a stable, robust base. Advanced plant enthusiasts might explore grafting techniques to add branches or merge different plants for a fuller look. This process should be done carefully to avoid damaging the plant.

Environmental Considerations

Just like outdoor plants, indoor Money Trees respond to seasonal changes. Even if the indoor temperature remains relatively constant, changes in light intensity and duration through the seasons can affect their growth and water needs. Adjusting care routines to provide more light during the shorter days of winter and moderating water as growth slows can help keep your Money Tree in optimal health year-round.

Long-term Health Strategies

Over time, dust can accumulate on the broad leaves of the Money Tree, hindering its ability to photosynthesize efficiently. Gently wiping the leaves with a damp cloth or using a leaf shine product can not only improve the plant's appearance but also support its health. This maintenance step is especially important in homes with limited natural light, where maximizing light absorption is crucial.

Root Pruning for Longevity and Health

This practice involves carefully removing the plant from its pot, inspecting the root ball, and trimming away any dead, rotting, or excessively long roots. Root pruning helps to encourage healthier, more vigorous growth and can be particularly useful for Pachira Aquatica Money Trees that have become root-bound or are growing too large for their current pot but wish to maintain in the same size container for aesthetic or space reasons.

Root pruning should be done with care and precision to avoid unnecessary stress on the plant. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts, removing only the necessary portion of the roots to stimulate growth without harming the plant's overall health. After pruning, repot the Money Tree in fresh soil, ensuring that the pot has adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging. This practice, combined with the periodic refreshing of the soil and careful attention to watering and fertilization, can rejuvenate an older Money Tree, encouraging new growth and ensuring its continued health and beauty in your home.

At Ed's Plant Shop, we are committed to helping you succeed in your plant care journey. The Money Tree is a resilient and rewarding plant to care for, with the potential to grow into a stunning feature in your home. With the right care, your Money Tree will not only thrive but will bring a sense of peace, prosperity, and greenery to your space.

Remember, the key to successful plant care is consistency and attention. By providing your Money Tree with the right environment and responding to its needs, you will enjoy the beauty and benefits it brings to your home for years to come. Whether you are a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner, we are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your indoor garden is a source of joy and pride.


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