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Stromanthe sanguinea Triostar / Tri-Color Prayer Plant

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Elevate your indoor garden with the mesmerizing beauty of the Stromanthe sanguinea Triosta hanging basket. Its striking foliage boasts vibrant shades of green, pink, and cream, adding a splash of tropical charm to any space. With its unique variegated leaves and graceful cascading habit, this Stromanthe creates a stunning focal point in your home or office. Perfect for bright, indirect light conditions, it's an ideal choice for hanging baskets, bringing a touch of exotic flair to your interior décor. Easy to care for and visually captivating, the Stromanthe Triosta is sure to delight both seasoned plant enthusiasts and beginners alike.

Ed's Plant Profile:

  • Botanical Name: Stromanthe sanguinea
  • Common Name: Stromanthe Triostar
  • Native Area: Amazon jungle in South America

Ed's Care Guide:

  • Care Level: Easy
  • Light: Prefers medium to bright light. Can tolerate low light
  • Water: Water thoroughly and allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out between watering. Avoid over-watering.
  • Humidity: 40-75%
  • Temperature: 65-85F
  • Pruning: Prune as needed to remove brown or dead leaves and control growth.
  • Feeding: 1/2 strength fertilizer bi-weekly during spring and summer
  • Growth: Bushy and full
  • Propagation:  Root Division
  • Pests: Look out for mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insect
  • Toxicity: Toxic to humans and pet

Stromanthe Triostar plants are renowned for their striking foliage, showcasing vibrant shades of pink, green, and cream that add a touch of exotic beauty to any indoor space. Their cascading growth habit makes them ideal candidates for hanging baskets, where their colorful leaves can drape gracefully over the edges, creating a stunning visual display. With their tolerance for medium to bright indirect light and moderate watering needs, Stromanthe Triostar plants are perfect for adding a splash of tropical flair to any room while requiring minimal maintenance.