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Top Six Houseplants That Thrive In The Concrete Jungle - Ed's Plant Shop

Top Six Houseplants That Thrive In The Concrete Jungle

Are you curious as to what houseplant will work best in your apartment oasis nestled in the big city? We've asked our team for their favorite plants for their apartments!
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We're Celebrating Our 3 Year Anniversary at Ed's Plant Shop - Ed's Plant Shop

We're Celebrating Our 3 Year Anniversary at Ed's Plant Shop

We are thrilled to announce that Ed's Plant Shop is marking its third anniversary!  It's been an incredible journey of growth, learning, and nurturing the love for plants within our community. As we reflect on the past three years, we are filled with gratitude for our loyal customers who have supported us on this blossoming adventure. From the moment we opened our doors, our mission has been to provide a haven for plant enthusiasts, offering a curated selection of healthy houseplants and bespoke gardening goods.
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