How to Bring Plants Indoors for the Winter: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Nikki Weed  •   3 minute read

Bring The Outdoors In: Tips For Bringing Your Plants Indoors For Winter - Ed's Plant Shop

As winter approaches, it's time to think about how to bring plants indoors for the winter to keep them safe from the cold. Whether you’re moving houseplants, herbs, or outdoor favorites inside, transitioning plants properly is key to maintaining their health. In this guide, we’ll explore the best methods for prepping, cleaning, and relocating your greenery indoors so they continue to thrive throughout the colder months. Let's dive into some practical tips and tricks to make the transition smooth!

Preparing Your Plants for the Big Move Indoors

Before bringing plants indoors for winter, it’s essential to start with a bit of prep. Start by checking your plants for any pests or diseases. Inspect the leaves, stems, and soil for any signs of insects or mildew. If you spot anything, treat it immediately with a natural pesticide or insecticidal soap to prevent an infestation indoors. Also, gradually introduce your plants to lower light conditions by placing them in shaded areas for a few hours each day.

Hanging Basket Fern

Cleaning and Pruning Your Plants

A thorough cleaning is a must when bringing your plants indoors for the winter. Dust and debris on leaves can block sunlight and reduce photosynthesis. Gently wipe down leaves with a damp cloth or give the entire plant a light shower to remove any buildup. Prune dead or yellowing leaves to promote healthy new growth and eliminate any hidden pests. We love these little shears for light pruning jobs. 

Acclimating Plants to Indoor Conditions

Plants can go into shock if moved too quickly from outdoor to indoor environments. Acclimate them by gradually reducing the time they spend outside each day before moving them indoors completely. This process helps them adjust to the lower humidity and different light conditions they'll experience indoors.


Coleus Inferno - Ed's Plant Shop

Creating the Perfect Indoor Environment for Winter

Once your plants are indoors, it’s important to provide an environment where they can thrive. Winter light levels tend to be lower, so place your plants near bright windows but avoid drafts or direct cold exposure. If natural light is limited, consider using grow lights to ensure they get enough light.

Adjusting Watering and Humidity Levels

Indoor conditions are typically drier than outdoor environments, especially with heating systems running. To bring plants indoors for winter successfully, adjust your watering schedule. Most plants will require less water during the colder months, but they’ll still need humidity. Use a pebble tray or a humidifier to increase moisture levels around your plants. Utilize a moisture meter to dial in your soil hydration to perfection!

Sweet Potato Vine Hanging Basket

Choosing the Right Spot in Your Home For Your Outdoor Plant

Finding the right place for your plants indoors is essential for their winter survival. Choose areas that mimic the natural light they would get outdoors, such as sunny windowsills or well-lit rooms. Keep them away from radiators, vents, and drafty windows to avoid sudden temperature changes. 

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your plants will thrive indoors all winter long! Take the time to prep and provide the right care, and they’ll reward you with lush, vibrant growth when the warmer months return.

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