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Calathea musaica ‘Network’


With its intricate mosaic-like patterns resembling a network of veins, this Calathea variety stands out as a true work of art. The Network Calathea's vibrant green leaves are further adorned with elegant maroon undersides, adding a touch of elegance to any indoor space. As a low-maintenance houseplant, it thrives in medium to bright indirect light and prefers consistently moist soil. Elevate your home or office with the enchanting allure of our Network Calathea and experience the joy of nurturing this botanical masterpiece. Shop now and indulge in the elegance of this stunning indoor companion.

Ed's Plant Profile

  • Botanical Name: Calathea musaica
  • Common Name: Calathea Network, Network Calathea
  • Family: Marantaceae 
  • Native Range: Tropical Americas 

Ed's Care Guide

  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Light Preference: Medium Light, Low/Shade, Bright/Indirect
  • Water Frequency: High/Moist. Thrives in evenly moist, well-drained soil. Allow the surface of the soil to slightly dry out between watering. These plants can be sensitive to hard water or water that has too many additives. We recommend using filtered tap water or rain water
  • Humidity Preference: High
  • Temperature: Prefers warmth; 60-85F
  • Soil Type: Regular potting mix, Peaty mix, Airy and slightly acidic
  • Pruning: Prune as needed to remove brown or dead leaves
  • Feeding: Fertilize every couple of weeks with a diluted balanced fertilizer during spring and summer
  • Propagation: Root division 
  • Growth Habit: Upright, Bushy. Can grow up to 2' tall and generally prefers to be repotted every two years
  • Toxicity: Non-toxic to humans and pets. However, with all plants we recommend you exercise caution with children and pets.