Philodendron 'Burle Marx' variegata

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The Variegated Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ features eye popping oblong leaves with impressive variegation that thrives in bright, indirect light. To keep it happy as can be, make sure it gets enough light to maintain its vibrant colors. Avoid direct sun, though, to prevent burning. Like other philodendrons, keep its soil moist and provide higher humidity for optimal growth. This climbing vine benefits from a moss pole to support its upward journey, making it a beautiful and manageable addition to any plant collection.

Ed's Plant Profile

  • Botanical Name: Philodendron Burle Marx albo variegata 
  • Common Name: Variegated Philodendron Burle Marx
  • Family: Aroid 
  • Native Range: Brazil 

Ed's Care Guide

  • Care Level: Easy
  • Light: Moderate to bright indirect light, can tolerate shade but this may lead to reversion. Avoid direct light as this can burn/fade the leaves, especially the lighter parts  
  • Water: Use a well draining soil mix and keep evenly moist but not soggy by using well aerated soil and a pot with drainage. 
  • Humidity: Average
  • Temperature: 65-75F
  • Pruning: Prune as needed to remove brown or dead leaves and control growth.
  • Feeding: Fertilize with an all-purpose liquid plant food during spring and summer once a month
  • Propagation: Stem cuttings in water 
  • Growth: Trailing, vining, climbing 
  • Pests: Generally not subject to pests with regular maintenance but be aware of spider mites and mealybugs  
  • Toxicity: Toxic to humans and pets