What We Love On Amazon - Fertilizer Edition

By Nikki Weed  •   5 minute read

What We Love On Amazon - Fertilizer Edition - Ed's Plant Shop

Ed's Plant Shop Approved : Fertilizers We Love On Amazon

As a small plant shop, we love being able to shop our own shelves and use products that we've lovingly sourced from our suppliers. With every plant that we have to feed and fertilizer, we know that needs may vary and occasionally what we need isn't necessarily what we have in stock. When we need something in a pinch, we turn to Amazon for the products that we need to help keep our plant shop healthy, happy and full of fabulous foliage. 

Beyond feeding our own plants, we also like to try-before-we-offer certain products to make sure they stand up to our rigorous tests. During these trials, we have found that some products aren't all they're cracked up to be and fail to receive our seal of approval. These items, however, are 100% approved by our team. 

Clonex Rooting Gel

We love Clonex Rooting Gel for all of our propagation projects that we have going on around the shop. We love being able to take cuttings from non-patented plants and create babies to share with you! Clonex Rooting Gel is by far our favorite rooting gel that we've used. 

What do we love about Clonex Rooting Gel

This gel is some of the best we've used mostly because it doesn't cause a mess as other rooting gels can. When we dip our cuttings into this gel, it stays right where it's applied and doesn't ooze onto surrounding clippings. The gel contains important hormones that help kick the cutting into gear and push root growth. The 100mL bottle will last you for quite some time and provide you with cuttings (and roots) galore!

*Note, it is illegal to take cuttings from some patented plants. Please make sure what you're cutting is not protected!

Houseplant Cuttings

TPS Plant Nutrients - Professional Grade Fertilizer


What do we love about TPS Plant Nutrients

The bioavailability of TPS Plant Nutrients is phenomenal, with various forms of Phosphorous and Potassium some of which is immediately available and some available after the first vegetative push. It also contains crucial microbes which help nutrient uptake. Unlike some sWhen we want to whip out the big guns and give our plants a little extra kick in the pants, we order TPS Plant Nutrients. Although we have a great selection of nutrients here in the store, we opt for TPS when we need a large quantity all at once in commercial sizing. Every time our plants get treated with TPS Plant Nutrients, it's almost like they hit puberty and start a growing frenzy. tandard fertilizers, TPS Plant Nutrients contain micronutrients like calcium and magnesium to promote optimum overall plant health. 

Different Sizes Available!
8 oz, 32 oz, and One Gallon

Plant Shelf With Fertilizer

Foliage Pro By Superthrive

Superthrive has been a powerhouse in the plant nutrient space since 1940 when the original formula won a gold medal at the World's Fair for Science and Industry. Since then, the original formula has remained the same, with claims stating that Superthrive can revive any plant, except for petrified wood. Various Superthrive formulas have been concocted, but the Foliage Pro has become our favorite around the shop. 

What do we love about Foliage Pro By Superthrive

Our luscious foliage has a hearty appetite for nitrogen to stay vibrant and healthy, and Foliage Pro keeps it that way. Nitrogen is crucial in plant foliage development and the concentration levels of Foliage Pro push new green growth without overstimulating the plant. This balanced blend performs to enhance growth, but not cause stress as other water-soluble fertilizer may (like Miracle-Gro). We love this as a maintenance fertilizer and are sure you will, too!

Foliage Pro By Superthrive

Bloom Bud Builder By TPS - Professional Blossom Boosting Fertilizer

Again TPS shows up on our list with another one of their amazing products. We order TPS Plant Nutrients when we want to make sure our flower buds set properly and will not fall susceptible to blossom end rot. We love the fact that their Blossom Boosting Fertilizer comes in a larger container with very fair pricing for what you get. 
What makes this different than other blossom boosting fertilizers on the market? This special Formula contains a high concentration of Tricoderma, a beneficial microbe proven to induce cell expansion and increase rapid bloom growth. TPS is also eco-friendly! Every ingredient and every process is designed to keep sustainability in mind. TPS Nutrients chooses only the best and most renewable materials to build these products.

 BioRoot Root Food By General Organics

Roots are often the forgotten about part of the healthy plant equation! Without healthy root systems, plants are unable to take up needed hyrdation and minerals into their system. When we're looking to pump up the happiness of any root system, we reach for our trusty bottle of BioRoot Food by General Organics. This root stimulator is versatile, and works in both soil and hydroponic set ups. 
BioRoot Root Food is a balanced root stimulator with a 0-1-1 ratio of nutrients perfect for promoting vigorous root growth. Young plants require well-established and robust root systems in order to reach their full potential in later growth stages. BioRoot is designed to give those fledgling roots the foundation they need to be vibrant and vigorous. Use BioRoot with any garden soil, potting mix or other growing media.
Root Stimulator For Houseplants

Humbodlts Secret Plant Food - Organic Based All-Purpose Plant Food

Some secrets are just too good to keep to yourself, and that's how we feel about Golden Tree, also known as Humboldts Secret Plant Food.  When we're looking to boost growth on anything in our shop, from seedling to cuttings to new arrivals, we splash them with a good dose of this top secret plant food. It's so versatile, it can be used in conventional potting soil, hydroponics, aeroponics, or coco coir growing mediums!
Now that the secret is out, we'll tell you what makes it so special. 
Humbodlts Secret Plant Food (Golden Tree) helps improve soil/foliar nutrient conditions for better crop yields. In addition to improving overall plant nutrition, Golden Tree supports conditions for better plant establishment, nutrient uptake and abiotic stress tolerance. A little bit goes a long way with this Secret Plant Food, too! 1 gallon solution makes up to 1,792 gallons of an easy-to-use additive solution to feed your plants. This is a professional-quality fertilizer that can transform any home and garden and give anyone a green thumb!
Available In Several Sizes!
2 Ounce  Bottle
Plants & Cats - Ed's Plant Shop

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